It occurs in 5-10% of alcohol-dependent people and is a medical emergency. Signs and symptoms of DTs include disorientation, confusion, agitation, hallucinations, fever, sweating, high blood pressure, and fast heart rate. These symptoms can quickly progress to cardiovascular collapse and death without timely treatment. By avoiding heavy and binge drinking, individuals can significantly reduce their...
Categoria: Sober living
Alcohol Cravings: Why They Happen and How to Manage Them
Explore which drug class has the highest potential for abuse and how to combat substance use disorders. Moderate drinking (one drink a day for women and up to two per day for men) may improve blood glucose management and insulin sensitivity, potentially leading to lower A1C levels. A balanced diet can help individuals manage sugar...
Free Guide 100 Things To Do Instead of Drinking Sobriety & Grey Area Drinking Coach, Speaker
Typically, when people start to evaluate their life in this manner, focus is directed towards modifying their external environment and interactions. State or short-lived boredom as referred to in the above definitions is a normal transient human feeling. Examples might include feeling restless and fed-up during a long car journey or feeling lethargic and uninspired...
OxyContin created the opioid crisis, but stigma and prohibition have fueled it
Opioids affect the pleasure center of the brain, which can make the whole body want more. If you find yourself craving that next pill or taking opioids just in case pain strikes rather than because severe pain is present, talk to your advocate or your doctor. It might be a sign you are becoming addicted...
How Long to Wait Between Drinking Alcohol and Bedtime
For example, people who’ve had alcohol may experience more frequent periods of lighter sleep or being awake, especially during the second half of the night. So after a few drinks, you’re likely to have increased wakefulness and more light sleep. A 2013 review found that drinking alcohol caused people to fall asleep quickly, no matter...